We advise you to follow Strictly which will Minimize your Risk and Maximize Your returns.
- Always look at the coming trend of the market once you, place a trade.
- Always trade with the trend, never trade against the trend until you get strong reversal signals.
- Never trade more than 10-15% of your capital in one stock.
- Never trade more than 25% of your capital in 1 index.
- Be PATIENT A lot of trades sometimes do tests your patience, this is why a lot of impatient traders are washed away
- AVOID trading in stocks with News, stocks with news are highly volatile, you may end up winning big profits in such stocks but losing big money in those stocks Still if you wish to trade, keep a strictly stoploss
- Avoid trading in low volume stocks, specially by the ones been recommended through operators through SMS, they are only to trap traders for their benefit
- Learn and make a note with detailed explanation on every trade which makes you learn where did you go wrong and where did you go right. This will help you in your future trades.
- If It is important for you to sell high, it is equally important to buy low
- Do NOT get to tempted if you missed entering a trade within entering zone
- If you are a cash positional trader try accumulating good shares when markets are trading in Red and book your profits when markets are trading Green !! what most people in the market go wrong is that they trade vice versa
- When calculating profits, Do Not Ignore transaction cost,if you are entering a trade for just 1-2% and if you’re paying equilant brokerage, then you just end up making money for your broker. Think about it.